The latest video exposing Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby parts reveals what can only be described as an act of pure evil: harvesting the brain of a late term aborted fetus while there is life running through it.
The heart is beating in this fully intact fetus and the and the arms and legs are moving.
In this seventh video, licensed phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell reveals horrific details about the relationship between Planned Parenthood and her former employer, StemExpress, and the acts of absolute barbarism that are carried out.
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They think they’re getting by with it. The facts are, they’re going to Hell for it.
Dave Wettlaufer you speak the truth! Yes, they have access to a wealth of information online, but they use it to find the nearest abortion clinic. They ARE scared, they DO feel alone and they DO listen to a Dr. PP does NOT allow ultrasounds before an abortion. In fact they have fiercely fought against it because they know that if a woman saw one she would KNOW it’s a life inside her.
Before you judge someone for their choices, it’s best to be sure you have never made any poor decisions first.
Forgiveness and love is what they need. Are you going open your home to every girl in your neighborhood who gets kicked out onto the streets because she’s pregnant? You going to make sure she gets to every Dr appointment, has EVERYTHING you would buy your own child to see that baby is taken care of? Are you going babysit for free so she can finish school and get a job? My guess is no on all fronts, it’s much more comfortable for some people to sit in the comfort of their own where no one can see them and judge hurt people.
Pray. Pray women would seek God first. Pray they would hunger for His love, His acceptance, His approval. That they would seek His acceptance and His approval. That they would find their worth in Him first. Not that of an earthly man. Only then will young girls stop finding themselves in these situations in the first place.
During all of pregnancy, we always said my baby, never refer to as a fetus.
Obama and his vampires.
Barberic? Yes. A property rights issue. That fetus is considered property of the woman. Property to be sold, done with as the woman decides even parting out, like a car, the valuable parts to the eager market! Always the aim of the core individuals behind the Roe decision. Taking control of the reproduction process; control, power, god-playing. No equal rights? Then, this is plan B.
Murders !
I just have no words to say about how wrong this is.
Planned Parenthood = Murderes.