The latest video exposing Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby parts reveals what can only be described as an act of pure evil: harvesting the brain of a late term aborted fetus while there is life running through it.
The heart is beating in this fully intact fetus and the and the arms and legs are moving.
In this seventh video, licensed phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell reveals horrific details about the relationship between Planned Parenthood and her former employer, StemExpress, and the acts of absolute barbarism that are carried out.
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sick people
How can the MOTHERS/INCUBATORS do such a thing to an unborn human being? How can Dr.’s who swore the Hippocratic Oath not to do harm do this to another human being? How can Society allow this to happen? This is as barbaric as the atrocities ISIS is committing in the Middle East. This I do know: Nobody that does this or even condones this can call themselves a Christian, if you are part of this Liberal “my body my choice crowd” Don’t waist your time going to church or praying, your voice and words are so f**e and phony that you offend God with them you hypocrites, whitewashed tombs of rotten flesh and bones.
Wtf! Excuse my language but, that’s insane
Evil is right!
They are a sicko bunch
OMG these people will rot in hell. Our taxpayer dollars are murdering babies. How terrible AMERICA has become. We are no better than ISIS
Truly horrifying and totally SATANIC. The most heinous crime of all. May those who do this suffer for eternity.
Paying the road to hell.