Hillary Clinton has a notorious history of receiving funding from dubious sources. And now, in a not so surprising move, she has accepted funding from an organization which has a history of eschewing moral and ethical boundaries in favor of whatever gets them more money.
Planned Parenthood, the well-known provider of abortions to millions of women nationwide, has thrown their support behind Hillary Clinton. And Hillary Clinton, evidently seeing nothing wrong with taking money from an organization that has no qualms about murdering babies, accepted.
This is unsurprising because Clinton has a history of supporting women’s healthcare. And while Planned Parenthood provides many necessary and even life-saving procedures to women, they also carry the weight of millions of murdered souls. But if Planned Parenthood was going to fund a candidate who would fight for their right to kill people, they could not have made a better choice.
Read more on page 2.
No on Hillary an no on Bernie an no on Socialism
I want a fuckin refund if someone took my tax dollars and applied it to this cunts campaign!!
Why she’s not using her own $, like Trump is doing, she has the $.
It’s not fair to lump them all into the same category. There are some with some sanity, like Zell Miller.
John Sigmon where are they all hiding then, they never speak up or tell the others that they are wrong.
Most of them are here where I live, in the south. Very elderly people who have been democratic since probably when you were a kid (with all due respect), and hate Obama and Hildabeest as much as any Republican.
And George soros Gives to Planned Parenthood and they GIVE 20 million to Hillary…………does it just slip from one hand to the other? and why is the Gov giving to them if they have soooooo much $$$.?
planned parenthood received 528 million from the federal government last year then they gave Hillary 20 million isn’t that money laundering
This woman who has had the Democratic Party say that they are broke and need the taxpayers,you and me to pay for their convention has taken in since September over 100 million Dollars. We also had money in the State Department budget, while she was there just vanish. Also the Ambassador in Benghazizi asked for money for Security and was turned down when there was 160 million in the State Department Budget for just such Security. She turned down the man;s request more than once and they died doing their jobs.. Only Fools would give her money when she is worth over 100 million dollars.. What ever posts you read verify the stories before you say that cannot be when you know in your heart what is a LIE.