Hillary Clinton has a notorious history of receiving funding from dubious sources. And now, in a not so surprising move, she has accepted funding from an organization which has a history of eschewing moral and ethical boundaries in favor of whatever gets them more money.
Planned Parenthood, the well-known provider of abortions to millions of women nationwide, has thrown their support behind Hillary Clinton. And Hillary Clinton, evidently seeing nothing wrong with taking money from an organization that has no qualms about murdering babies, accepted.
This is unsurprising because Clinton has a history of supporting women’s healthcare. And while Planned Parenthood provides many necessary and even life-saving procedures to women, they also carry the weight of millions of murdered souls. But if Planned Parenthood was going to fund a candidate who would fight for their right to kill people, they could not have made a better choice.
Read more on page 2.
SicK O, $20 mil from baby parts
Go ahead Vote Hillary
So the government should be able to cut 20 million from there government subsidies, if they have that much to put behind a candidate.
I would think that it is just another illegal donation accepted by a criminal named Hillary Patriots Against Hillary Clinton
I hope the$#%&!@*chokes on it what a worthless worm she is,anyone that supports this woman is a complete idiot and should have their voteing rights revoked because your not smart enough to vote
That’s illegal.
I hope this woman never wins smh we need Bernie or we are in big trouble
Planned Parenthood must be held accountable also Hillary Clinton belongs in prison