Hillary Clinton has a notorious history of receiving funding from dubious sources. And now, in a not so surprising move, she has accepted funding from an organization which has a history of eschewing moral and ethical boundaries in favor of whatever gets them more money.
Planned Parenthood, the well-known provider of abortions to millions of women nationwide, has thrown their support behind Hillary Clinton. And Hillary Clinton, evidently seeing nothing wrong with taking money from an organization that has no qualms about murdering babies, accepted.
This is unsurprising because Clinton has a history of supporting women’s healthcare. And while Planned Parenthood provides many necessary and even life-saving procedures to women, they also carry the weight of millions of murdered souls. But if Planned Parenthood was going to fund a candidate who would fight for their right to kill people, they could not have made a better choice.
Read more on page 2.
they pp hood give 800K last year, now pp hood got 500 millions more $$$//
She is so corrupt!
This is so tragic, what an idiot! Just when we
Could use some really good leaders , all we get are idiots. I ‘m just a regular person and I can see clearly: the people behind the Federal Reserve are out to enslave us without representation. They are the one’s behind the one world government. Americans (and the rest of the world for that matter) are charged interest in every dollar the Fed prints. It is a system designed by the Filthy Rich Bankers to keep us poor. Those Elite super rich are behind every war fought because they can’t make enough money to satisfy their empty souls. And they are trying to create the one world government where America loses it Sovereignty and it’s constitution. We pay Income Tax just to pay toward the interest on every dollar printed, all to fund the Evil Elites diabolical plan to destroy us. How stupid is that???? These people kill anyone who interferes with their enterprise or trys to stop the advancement of their plans. They say they will have a one world government by consent or force. They are trying to set American against American to divide and and conquer us. While we are busy fighting everyone and Islam . The Elites are busy consolidation their power over us. They have the money to bring us to our knees and then they will offer to save us on their terms from the problems they created. People we need an American banking system. Every President seems to be appointed by the elites so our voting seems to make no difference. It is time for America to stand up and demand the changes we need. This fast track c**p our representatives have used to force feed destructive bills down our throat has to go. Signed Bill Howell, I am so sorry. I hijacked this post and a lot of others without reading them. I was copying and pasting my comment off of a post about the Pope. I was doing it quickly, hitting as many posts as possible in a 10 minute span between work. I want people talking and aware. I want them indignant about what has been going on in America. I want them so angry that they say they have had enough. So mad that they will do something besides voting and complaining. I just feel pressure to make sure as many people as possible know how dire America’s and the rest of the world’s situation has become. We can no longer rely on our elected officials. The Answer must come from us. And it must come quickly. If Obama declared martial law and brings in U.N troops before the election, he will bring down the Internet and blame it on cyber terrorist. All to stop us from communicating with each other. None of the candidates will broach this subject. It is a death sentence! I want everyone in America to spread this idea of getting out of the Federal Reserve like wild fire. I want the global Elites to know: America is awake now and this is our Country and we will not lose it. WE ARE FREE MEN AND WOWEN AND WE WILL NOT BE SLAVES ANY LONGER. ps. I will go back and read the post. I am always for “We the People”. I am for State Rights to control the excesses of federal over reach. I can tell you I am concerned about the leadership in quite a few states. From my little research, it is my understanding the the Elites reach goes far beyond the Federal level and in fact control the governments even on local levels. America has so much work to do!Diannia. And I’ve had enough!
She is a no rotten commie
What a sick and deranged women Killery is…
she will just steal it if someone dont give it to her
The money is unlimited….