Has Planned Parenthood broken the law in selling parts of the remains of aborted fetuses? That actually remains to be seen.
42 U.S. Code § 289g—2 prohibits acquiring and transferring human fetal tissue “for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.”
You can’t sell fetal tissue for profit, however…
‘Valuable consideration’ is legally defined as excluding “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”
Law or no law….$#%&!@*s FUBAR and there’s a special place in hell for any and all involved if this is for real.
The news media are left wingers that fits in with the rest of Obumer’s cronies!
Of course they are selling butchered baby parts. Who would believe these liars.
They will reap what they have sowed
Didn’t know they were licensed to disect, and sell body parts??????????.?
Planned parenthood should be renamed..Planned infanticide and body parts! God must be sick at stomach. His stomach at the way His most precious gifts are being cast side!
Thought they were not man yet. So no body parts are human right
the broke God’s law!! Hell bent………..