The time to think we are the greatest nation in the world is OVER.
We are permitting a federal government to completely VIOLATE our Constitution, the ultimate law of the land that has made our country the best the world has yet seen.
Our country has been completely taken over by either communists or Muslim Brotherhood or both.
Do you want to see your country die?? Can you compute what that means??? It means no more ‘Breaking Bad’ episodes…do I have your attention now dammit??
Would you rather wait for a jihadist to barrel through your door and shoot you dead while you are watching a rerun of Lost? Or, would you prefer to fight for the freedoms YOU and YOUR FAMILY enjoy…and perhaps die a noble death rather than wasteless one?
How do you want to die? Watching T.V. or fighting for your country?
If you chose to fight then you are a TRUE American, if you chose TELEVISION then please get the hell out of the way of the rest of us. OK???
My Plan Next Page:
We need 2 fight not only 4 us but 4 our kids.
I can’t stand to look at his face…it is contemptable.
That is true.
He’s got that right. His time is very short and he knows it.
HR 466 p$#%&!@*ed the house and sent to senate. Read twice and referred to the Committee on veterans afairs. HR 1168 p$#%&!@*ed the house, same as 466. HR 1171 became law 8/9/13. HR 1172 p$#%&!@*ed the house, received in senate read twice referred to committee on veterans affairs. HR 1293 p$#%&!@*ed the house received in senate read twice and referred to committee on veterans affairs. HR 1803 p$#%&!@*ed the house received in senate read twice and referred to committee on small business and entrepreneurship. HR 2352 p$#%&!@*ed the house received in senate read twice and referred to committee on small business and entrepreneurship. Most of those bills were introduced in 2009 and p$#%&!@*ed the house controlled by republicans. The senate (controlled by dems at that time) referred all but one to a committee. Try again Tim Philpot. Remember to research your BS before posting as I will crush your narrative. Also remember to not believe garbage from that terrible occupy democrats page.
Wow, 46 million like me say go for it…Better yet, you lead them from the front Obama!
This is Obamas way of taking back the US>
I have been waiting for a call to arms. I’m in please tell me where and when.
This was not written by Obama. He is the federal government. This was written to take him down.
Onward, to the white house.