The time to think we are the greatest nation in the world is OVER.
We are permitting a federal government to completely VIOLATE our Constitution, the ultimate law of the land that has made our country the best the world has yet seen.
Our country has been completely taken over by either communists or Muslim Brotherhood or both.
Do you want to see your country die?? Can you compute what that means??? It means no more ‘Breaking Bad’ episodes…do I have your attention now dammit??
Would you rather wait for a jihadist to barrel through your door and shoot you dead while you are watching a rerun of Lost? Or, would you prefer to fight for the freedoms YOU and YOUR FAMILY enjoy…and perhaps die a noble death rather than wasteless one?
How do you want to die? Watching T.V. or fighting for your country?
If you chose to fight then you are a TRUE American, if you chose TELEVISION then please get the hell out of the way of the rest of us. OK???
My Plan Next Page:
Why does no one in our congress recognize that Obama is Islamic?
time for a revolution
The time to act is now Sounds like a plan
We The Poeple, Need To Protest At The White House Every Day, To Get Him Out !!!
We need to tell our representatives that they need to start stepping up to the plate and holding OBAMA accountable or they can be recalled and we can vote for someone who is,willing to do the job!!
we can lock and load!!!!!
Im a veteran myself an agree we need change in leadership in our country and quickly and firmly believe that with the the new elected congress they are fighting har against our sorry president that refuses to act agaist against the amediet threat of our great country that we all love and hold dear bbut lets all stop and think before we act do we really want a anarchy in our country like in Iraq and Syria? I myself having three duaghters would not want to see that happen nor did I leave my family for 2 1/2 years to defend a free country only to return home and watch the country I love turn over to anarchy so I say to you all lets make the right decision come 2016 this is the only way we can help our beloved country! God bless our counry until then!
I agree, Obummer is communist muslim and is destroying the United Ststes of America!!!!!
and take it back over when hes gone and not let him back in