Ever lose your keys to your Master lock? Well, this might make you lose confidence in your lock, but you can use this technique to get into a Master lock with a Coke can and pair of scissors.
The video shows a procedure that might save you a great deal of time and trouble if you lose the key to your lock, since the only other way around the problem is to pay a locksmith!
Check out the video on the following page:
Jason Ainsworth can do this in 5 seconds
I am a retired locksmith you get what you pay for.
Thanks for showing the world this so they can use it to take from others
Damn, doesn’t look too secure to me Master Lock folks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it depends if your lock has an extra ridge to prevent shimming which some do. Also btw, you can just buy shims… we have some in the house Matt Byers
jeez, let the criminals know all about it
You need to show this being used in ‘real world’ environment!!
You could just baton an Esee 5 through it.
Why would you just cut it off?
Only a f_ _king thieving idiot would post something like this……..