Nanny State Seeks Your Personal Information
It is obvious that the Obama administration and the federal government would be much happier if the 2nd Amendment that safeguards individual rights to bear arms would simply disappear. An armed citizenry is the best way to keep government honest, so naturally Obama is willing to do almost anything to take your guns away, and using duplicitous doctors and phony statistics is just one small step in that direction. Obama has gotten one more flunky in the person of Dr. Fleegler to say the following at a recent conference that he attended.
“One in five deaths in young people ages 15 to 29 are from firearms — a stunning number,” said Fleegler. “If these were deaths due to cancer, we would find this outrageous.”
Fleegler was a research principal in a study published by JAMA Internal Medicine titled “Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Fatalities in the United States,” which concluded:
A higher number of firearm laws in a state are associated with a lower rate of firearm fatalities in the state, overall and for suicides and homicides individually. As our study could not determine cause-and-effect relationships, further studies are necessary to define the nature of this association.
To encourage a public health approach to gun violence, Fleegler recommends that clinicians ask about gun ownership while taking patient health histories in their offices. He also calls for increased firearm legislation, including laws related to safe storage, trigger locks, and criminal background checks for all gun purchases.
Fleegler also urges that firearms be regulated as a consumer product – and thus regulated by consumer safety laws – and said an increase in the amount of data collection performed on gun-related fatalities and firearm sales would assist with more funding for firearm-related research.
“It’s insane that firearms are not regulated, considering the number of people who are maimed and killed by guns,” he told Medscape. “Teddy bears are regulated.”
The American Academy of Pediatrics endorses gun control. Its official position on firearms asserts that the absence of firearms in homes and communities is “the most effective measure to prevent suicide, homicide, and unintentional firearm-related injuries.”
This will not take guns away from criminals only the private sector..If a criminal, muslimm wants a gun they will find a way to get one..Just like druggies find drugs..
unto those whom seek to destroy America
I can see this getting out of control and this needs to stop..
So are all mine nra members
These Doctors need to study what happens after the people give up their protection
Bull s___!! Stick to your profession, whoever it was that gave you that brain dead idea must of been one of Obama’s liberal minions!
Better Not Doctors