When people look at the way modern Americans are portrayed by the media, they see people who feel like they deserve more than they do. They see a system of excuses led by the “victimized” and the “offended”. Years ago, this wasn’t the case. If you were to wonder where this new American idealism came from, one only needs to look at the way our fearless leader, President Obama handled the crass remarks thrown at him by the Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte.
In a statement to the media, the “controversial” leader warned Obama not to raise human-rights issues with him and called him a “son of a whore.” Instead of facing the man, Obama tucked tail and ran, canceling his meeting. While, yes, there was certainly better ways to approach the situation, Duterte’s explanation for his comments certainly explain why he said them.
Duterte is the leader of a sovereign country and is answerable only to the Filipino people. His comments came after a reporter asked him how he plans to explain the extrajudicial killings to Obama. His answer was simple. He didn’t. He’s the leader of his the Philippines. Not President Obama, who feels the need to stick his nose into everything.
Read Duterte’s exact words on the next page.
Could be Sharon
Truth hurt much? Mom was a porn star. If the truth hurts maybe mom should have kept the clothes on.
What all other Countries think of Obama.
He speaks the truth!
He is a poser and an unamerican socialist hypocrite. I can’t get congress to do their job and impeach him though. So, I will vote Trump.
obama is an embarrassment and danger who will be out of our White House in January.
Does he know his mom ?
Just wait here ! Obama is ruining this country. You don’t have to travel. He’s bringing Isis over here to be your neighbors. POS
They should join Isis. Obama and Killary will get them here sooner.
A good man indeed