Since President Obama’s first inauguration, this country has become more divided than it’s ever been.
If this were the 1800s, chances are there we would have another civil war on our hands. Modern social movements have painted Americans as oversensitive and violent, two things that couldn’t contradict each other more.
This leaves you to question . . . what is the end game?
Is it equality they’re after or dominance? And that’s not just a question that the ethnic communities should be asking themselves, but those who take any sort of social stance.
Is it legitimate? Or is it a play for attention? And in some cases, it’s neither of those things, just hatred, pure and simple.
Take the recent court ruling given to Philadelphia’s public school system.
A few years back, Security and Data Technologies was chosen by the PSD to install security cameras at nineteen schools. Then suddenly, right out of the blue, their contract was canceled and then given to IBS Communications. On paper, that might not sound like a big deal, but wait until you read what happened.
Find out what happened on the next page.
Pathetic. Guess she is not causing any more trouble….
Blacks have become the racists they despised in whites.
Eric is delusional.
Eric L Runion. You have nothing to show.
Aka…clueless liberal talking head TROLL.
Get it correct by 2050 the world population will be far over 12 billion. Usable land will be reduced by over 50%, and usable water will be a hard to come by commodity. Either you try to build a wall with Trump to keep you segregated from the world , which never worked for the Chinese or East Germany, or you become a full blown fanatical prep-er or you join humanity and try to lessen what is coming. The GOP and Trump are wallowing in dreams of days long gone! Cooperation between space programs of multiple nations all working to get us off this rock proves that Trump is deliberately obstructing programs he does not understand or like because at heart he is a white nationalist with a goodly doses of “f**e climate change” and conspiracy fakery. The DNC is the best option to prepare for this! Move forward or get left behind.
Eric L Runion Trash talking? You are good at that. That’s all you have so you should really be good at it. Not a functioning brain cell in your head, but you got the trash talking part down. Typical of the democratic party. You have nothing intelligent to say so talk your trash talk. L.O.L!! Democrats are so pathetic.
It’s illegal. In the late 90s Trump got huge fines for laundering Russian drug money through his Taj Mahal casino in New Jersey. His bank Deutche Bank got caught for laundering 10 Billion and fined in 2017. Trump’s entire family banks there, it’s why he’s being investigated for treason. But he’s rich so he’ll probably only get a fine. It’s Jared, Jared’s mom, Ivanka, Eric and Don JR who have the most to worry about. Especially Jared and Ivanka who’s bank records have been taken by the attorney general in New York on top of the Meuller investigation.shame on them all
Throughout his presidential campaign and since coming into office, Donald Trump has repeatedly promised Americans that he would bring more jobs back to the United States. Just like many of Trump’s other campaign promises, his actions as President have shown that they were just empty promises, with 6,000 more jobs sent overseas than the previous five years.sick of winning lol
Wrong it says right in the article that it comes from her estate…she died in 2013