Since President Obama’s first inauguration, this country has become more divided than it’s ever been.
If this were the 1800s, chances are there we would haveĀ another civil war on our hands. Modern social movements have painted Americans as oversensitive and violent, two things that couldn’t contradict each other more.
This leaves you to question . . . what is the end game?
Is it equality they’re after or dominance? And that’s not just a question that the ethnic communities should be asking themselves, but those who take any sort of social stance.
Is it legitimate? Or is it a play for attention? And in some cases, it’s neither of those things, just hatred, pure and simple.
Take the recent court ruling given to Philadelphia’s public school system.
A few years back, Security and Data Technologies was chosen by the PSD to install security cameras at nineteen schools. Then suddenly, right out of the blue, their contract was canceled and then given to IBS Communications. On paper, that might not sound like a big deal, but wait until you read what happened.
Find out what happened on the next page.
Our own government does it and encourages it. Through its reverse discrimination hiring practices. When are we going to take the race and sex check boxes off of the applications so that the best qualified person gets the job!?!?
1. Get rid of those in the school district who are guilty. 2. Most school districts have insurance to cover lawsuits. 3. Vote for better school board members.
Let reparation begin; discrimination must end
Reverse discrimination at it’s finest against white people!
The case is truth in action and it needed to be made public
Racism today is going black toward white. Most whites are intimidated by the fear of being branded a racist. A majority of Blacks are going racist with abrogating contracts as this deceased administrator did or like former Mayor of Savannah said when he said he wanted to see more faces like his in city government. What happened was Savannah had the first City Manager, Police Chief, District ATTY, chief Judge of Recorder’s Court. City manager was run out of town for spending taxpayer money on stupid real estate decisions, a Police Chief doing Federal time for corruption, a single term DA who was voted out for incompetence, and a Chief Judge who was so egotistical that local legislation was developed to curtail the destruction she imposed on the Court.
The truth comes out.
About time us whites got our dues and money the blacks owe us
Sure would be real nice if adults would act like adults and not as spoiled children just so they understand their kids are watching them so theres another generation of trash it can only get worse….parents were told how to raise their children by people who didn’t believe in correcting children when they stepped out of line instead reward them when they chose to rebell and do what they felt like doing ….its the age old fact Spare the rod it does spoil the child but correct them inbetween times and they will thank you…..that’s whats missing from this society called law and order it begins with Jesus being taught in the home and utilizing the ten commandments as a guide you will not go wrong. Plant good seeds in your kids and they will bless you.