Since President Obama’s first inauguration, this country has become more divided than it’s ever been.
If this were the 1800s, chances are there we would have another civil war on our hands. Modern social movements have painted Americans as oversensitive and violent, two things that couldn’t contradict each other more.
This leaves you to question . . . what is the end game?
Is it equality they’re after or dominance? And that’s not just a question that the ethnic communities should be asking themselves, but those who take any sort of social stance.
Is it legitimate? Or is it a play for attention? And in some cases, it’s neither of those things, just hatred, pure and simple.
Take the recent court ruling given to Philadelphia’s public school system.
A few years back, Security and Data Technologies was chosen by the PSD to install security cameras at nineteen schools. Then suddenly, right out of the blue, their contract was canceled and then given to IBS Communications. On paper, that might not sound like a big deal, but wait until you read what happened.
Find out what happened on the next page.
Onama has set our nation back to the sixties hoping to devide us. Since he took office he spoke of change. A change that he saw our country. Troubled, devided, weak, destroyed. He has lowered our great country that pur enemies think now is the time to attack us from within. Yes his so called change did just that. We are now ridiculed by the global community. Disrespected and dishonored by our own because of liberals that get offendef. May our new president bring us back to our real place in the world. A place that i remembered that did good for others and I was proud to be called an American.
I’m glad the racist$#%&!@*is dead
Obama . The greatest race bater in American history . Can’t wait to see him go !!!
Go get them
They fought to integrate schools,. Our children were bussed to schools out of there areas as an influx of blacks were bussed in. Now they want to segregate they want to have 5 southern states declared black nations within a nation. Violence and discord have permeated the news. What’s the answer? Only God knows. Stand up americans take our country back. The so called elete in Hollywood are only considered elete because they make millions for trash boycot all of Hollywood stop paying their wages that are in some cases 40,000,000 a picture. Then maybe they will quit bashing those that voted for a man who will bring back american values.w hat qualify s these people who play character s to constantly insult our president elect are they playing a role or are they delusional enough to think we give a tinkers dam what they say. Fear of the next president is due to the fact that a real leader has emerged and his cabinet choices can’t be bought or manipulated. They know what it will take to bring america back to a nation of freedom and respect in the world. God bless america freedoms only voice.
$2.3 million of whose money ? Not the offending party, but taxpayers’ money. That punishes no guilty party. No disincentive of a repeat offense.
Good I’m tired of hiring incompetent people just cause of color!
Who gets hurt by the $2.3 mil fine ? The students and taxpayers get stuck.