Since President Obama’s first inauguration, this country has become more divided than it’s ever been.
If this were the 1800s, chances are there we would haveĀ another civil war on our hands. Modern social movements have painted Americans as oversensitive and violent, two things that couldn’t contradict each other more.
This leaves you to question . . . what is the end game?
Is it equality they’re after or dominance? And that’s not just a question that the ethnic communities should be asking themselves, but those who take any sort of social stance.
Is it legitimate? Or is it a play for attention? And in some cases, it’s neither of those things, just hatred, pure and simple.
Take the recent court ruling given to Philadelphia’s public school system.
A few years back, Security and Data Technologies was chosen by the PSD to install security cameras at nineteen schools. Then suddenly, right out of the blue, their contract was canceled and then given to IBS Communications. On paper, that might not sound like a big deal, but wait until you read what happened.
Find out what happened on the next page.
And fire this racist bitch
Disgusting. They are the racist. This only hhappen here in America, now stupid countries are copying the racist excuse to get alone without punish for their crimes.
Good she also needs to be fired
And these people helped. Now how about all money be taken from them, and make them pay back any money they got while doing this.
About time there is some push back.
Racism in any form is unacceptable. This just makes me sad.
Wanda Jenkins – Your comment shows how ingrained the racial divide has become. When ‘we’ and ‘they’ becomes a normal outlook, then we are buying into the problem. There is just ‘WE’. Black, white, bi-racial, multi-racial, Hispanic, jew, native-American are ALL labels to separate people artificially by skin color or ethnic background, THAT is racism! There are just people, good ones, bad ones, greedy ones, lazy ones, ambitious ones in ALL of those categories, that makes us human, we need to get over our differences and consider how alike we are.
It’s not a divide embrace buy when blacks don’t see their part of it then there is a divide
They are certainly part of the problem and are encouraged by ‘black’ leaders and the president himself!