The Obama administration is tone deaf to the cries of anyone who is not part of their political agenda. Like a husband who tunes out his wife while watching the big game, Obama tunes out his electorate who states their concern over the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter. The President chooses only to hear what he wants and cherry picks the issues that support his world view.
In response to the petition to formally recognized Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization, his language could not have been more offensive and ineffective.
Black Lives Matter protestors have the propensity to turn a so called peaceful protest into urban terrorism, destroying property and in many cases causing bodily harm to others. Their use of intimidation and hateful rhetoric, especially toward the police, takes activism to a whole new level, one which many are calling terrorism according to a White House petition.
Thus far, the petition to ask the White House to formally recognize the Black Lives Matter movement as a terrorist entity has 125,286 signatures. It was submitted to prior to the killing spree against Dallas police officers.
Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims”. This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS and other groups, as terrorist organizations. Black Lives Matter has earned this title due to its actions in Ferguson, Baltimore, and even at a Bernie Sanders rally, as well as all over the United States and Canada. It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare Black Lives Matter a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety.
The Obama administration must now address the matter as “petitions on the White House website need to reach 100,000 signatures in order to receive an official response.”
Read the Obama response to this petition on the following page.
Obama an Geo. soros put them up to it
Sorry piece of trash.
Just a few more months! Then we SWEEP the trash out.
We have to fix this ourselves ! Keep running them over when they get in the road !!!
OMG I Don’t Know About You I Need A New President Trump/Pence For America A Strong Ticket That Will Make America Safe, Sane, Properous And Great Once Again! Thank You For Your Support And Votes! Keep The White House Hillary Free, Even Bill Clinton Said There Has Been Enough Women In The Oval Office! Trump/Pence 2016!!!
OMG this is ridiculous! He’s totally insane!
Recognised as a hate group, just like the k.k.k.
they are a terrorist group and obama is their terrorist leader
The saddest thing about this …. The democrat party has had a strong influence in the lives of black people. Making policies and initiating programs specifically for the the purpose of leading them on, believing there is something better for them if they keep voting democrat. All the programs have failed and the policies aren’t followed through with or implemented. BLM fails to realize or understand they are being used AGAIN by a political platform that is pandering to their cause because it is a convenience for the democrats to move forward with their socialist divisive platform. BLM is NOT being listened to by the left, merely being funded by them to act out on decades of anger over social injustices that have been put in place by the democrats themselves. It’s a vicious circle for them. I have seen the black community MANY times used as a tool for democratic agendas. Desegregation of schools In the 70’s, race riots in Compton, Rodney king, etc. the democrats NEVER encourage the black community to grow or think positively because they have fueled an “entitlement” expectation they feel they deserve because of their minority status. Black Americans need to believe in themselves and their own capabilities, not upon a party that has kept them enslaved, oppressed, lied to them and refuse to take responsibility for what they have done to a whole group of Americans that have been deprived of their belief in themself, their dreams crushed and destroyed and their freedoms are only a curtain they can see through, but cannot realize because of a political party that has exploited them for centuries. It is sad for the rest of us who have seen this time and again, the stigmas attached to the black communities because of the liberal lies. And those of us who have lived, witnessed and experienced this before, know the inevitable outcome will be when the left is “done” with BLM, they will be thrown under the bus, just like before.