Barack Obama has been campaigning for Hillary Clinton for months. This week, Michelle Obama joined Clinton on the stump for the first time. This has many people asking, who is paying for these campaign trips?
The answer is simple. You are.
Barack Obama’s taxpayer-funded paycheck continues whether or not he’s performing his presidential duties — even if he’s working for another presidential campaign.
Obama has even extended presidential privileges directly to Hillary Clinton, allowing her to fly on Air Force One during her campaign.
Now, many Americans are attempting to stop this apparent conflict of interest.
A petition has begun circulating that demands that Barack Obama not collect his salary while he campaigns for Hillary Clinton. See the petition on the next page:
Impeachment for all the Democratic party now and fire all the REST of the Democratic party now
Yep hold his pay while he campaigns for the ole$#%&!@*
Only right
Put Hillary where she should be ( JAILHOUSE ) and cut everything we the people give him!
Pay and the cosyt of the taxpayers plane being used to fly around to do it
Where is it, will sign it.
Also pay rent for use of Air Force One and pay for use of Secret Service and ALL meals and beverages consumed and any other expenses used to campaign for Rotten lying Hillary Clinton
Citizens arrest, Traitors against the American People.
Can’t do it. You can’t withhold president’s salary while he is in office. I forget where it is stated, but it is existing law.