With so much buzzing in the news about terrorism and Presidential campaign, people have forgotten about the frenzy of safe spaces and racially hypersensitive issues that were getting all the attention before the Paris & San Bernardino Christmas Party attacks.
It appears just north of one hundred activists have taken it upon themselves to attack Adele for benefiting from hr whiteness. The petition is dripping with venom against the lovely lass from the U.K and it compares her unfavorably to Beyonce, Janet Jackson and Rhianna.
Observe their insight at Change.org:
Adele’s album has sold more than albums from Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Janet Jackson, although these three beautiful ladies all had much better albums that were talked about more. The fawning over Adele by fans and the press continue to show how minorities are repressed in the music business.
While all those ladies have talent, the fact is people love Adele for her amazing voice.
Read the next page to learn more about activists targeting Adele.
Just what stupid fool decided this?
Where are these jackasses coming up with ‘white privileges’. We are the only ones that cant yell discrimination.
Has anyone noticed, (or is it just me?) That ever since we’ve had a liberal PC administration in power in this country it has become unfashionable to have both wealth and success? The prevailing attitude of the young adults here in the USA is one of superior distain toward anyone who manages to obtain a modicum of celebrity and (God forbid) makes some money. I see on the news and read on the internet that it is the opinion of many college students today that a lot of popular musicians and actors are definitely racist,greedy and morally reprehensible because they don’t share their wealth with the masses. I don’t understand why these people feel that they are entitled to profit from someone else’s talent and good fortune.
They seem to be offended by things that have
no real connection to their lives. They usually come from solid middle class backgrounds with parents who support them, if not financially then certainly morally. Yet they are in a constant state of smoldering discontent. They throw around words like “White Privilege, Racist, Trolls and Baby Killers.” While all the time they are screaming for the 1% to furnish them with a free college education, a higher minimum wage and free health care. They seem to think that everyone owes them a free ride. I’d really like to talk to these kids 10 or 15 years from now. I would like to hear how things worked out for them…
thats just insane.
Hello .. it’s me, i …
When you are not sure of who you are and what you want..and something is denied you…you look for an excuse!
Screw ‘white privilege’ they can taike that garbage and shove it where the sun dont shine,
White Privilege thingy is nothing but a scam.
Does Kanye still believe he’s Jesus still? >:O >:O >:O He’s the most ecocentric person on the planet; and frankly, it would be scary to learn how much life would be miserable if he did have that much power to begin with…