At least $100 million have been given to Bill and Hillary Clinton from Persian Gulf regimes and their leaders. Hillary is in bed with these Persian Gulf Sheiks, allowing them to “buy access” and influence, while claiming she is capable of “carrying out independent Middle East policies”.
The links between presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and the Saudi royal family go back many years. Republicans and Democrats alike have long expressed concern over Clinton’s ties with the wealthy monarchy after Saudi Arabia — along with other Clinton Foundation donor countries — received major arms deals from her State Department, writes Truth and Action.
By now, most people are familiar with the controversies surrounding the Clinton Foundation and the State Department under Hillary Clinton’s leadership. During her reign as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved $165 billion worth of arms sales to 20 foreign nations — countries that just so happened to have donated a lot of money to Bill and Hillary’s Clinton Foundation.
Hillary’s close connection with these regimes, which are known for human rights violations, should hurt her Presidential bid, yet her blind and deluded fan base cannot see through her wrinkled facade.
Follow the dirty money on the next page.
And she is what you want for a president
so what is new…they have always been bought by the highest bidder
Well look at this Americans, these sheiks want to let us borrow their bought and paid for President, how nice of them.
Like Larry Raspberry sang in”JIVE$#%&!@*: if the price was right they’d burn out both of their eyes!!!
I like a intelligence
If the rag heads bought the Clintons, why can’t they take them back to Trashcanistan with them?
Wish they’d come over here and take them back with them!
Well, the Clintons are dfor sale so the sheiks just met their price.