If you’re a fan of the liberal comedian and talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, you’re probably aware of his “Lie Witness News” segments, in which he sends a reporter out onto the streets of New York with angled questions. The latest question he took to New York city dwellers was one involving Martin Luther King Jr’s endorsement of Donald Trump for president. If it takes you longer than a few seconds to figure out why that’s impossible, you might want to finish high school.
The hilarious segment, which was obviously aimed at poking fun at Conservatives, backfires on Kimmel in more ways than one. While out on the street trying to make Trump supporters look like idiots, he got quite a few answers that sound like they would come from modern liberals. That being said, some of the answers he got in return were so odd that you can’t help but wonder if they were scripted. You can watch the segment in the player below and decide for yourself.
Watch video below.
Is it real or is it fake? There’s no doubt that it’s funny, but it feels scripted funny. If it is real, intelligent Americans should be concerned about this country’s future . . . if you weren’t already. In either case, it’s not nearly as good as Mark Dice’s “Man on the Streets” segments, which this is obviously modeled after.
It is truly remarkable that Michael King (aka “Martin Luther King, Jr.” has, from the grave, endorsed Trump. Furthermore what does an endorsement from a communist indicate?
Your an idiot, Did i say he wasn’t? I was not talking about King ! Wrap your brain around this, dead people vote democrat ! So they are asking liberal dems about dead people endorsing Trump !
When you’re in a fight for your life, like we are, you need another real Fighter and Champion on your side, like Mr. Trump; and, not a wimpy “nice guy” like Ben Carson seems to be; or, a “brain damaged, alcoholic traitor” like Hillary’s been proven to be… Oh ya, Bernie Sanders and Jeb Bush aren’t even worth mentioning here…
Donald Trump is a GENIUS ! It’s TRUE; he graduated from WHARTON to achieve extraordinary success. Trump’s IQ over 156, and tops 99.99% of the smartest people in the WORLD; all the others in the race, not so much.
This is all the more reason why we need Trump now more than ever… #Trump2016!
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They’re in California. That explains the lack of knowledge.
Why the man is for America an the people as a whole Not like others who are just for groups
How stupid! What are these kids learning in school!
The Know Nothing party is making a huge comback.
Oops…. I’m lovin this