Nearly five times as many murders are committed with knives than so-called “assault rifles,” according to the FBI.
The new crime statistics released by the agency reveal that out of 11,961 murders performed within the U.S. in 2014, 660 were committed unarmed, 1,567 were committed with knives and only 248 murders were known to have been committed using rifles of any type, including single-shot long arms and “assault rifles” routinely demonized by gun control groups. More about killer steak knives on the next page:
Gotta ban forks, chop sticks, even pencils n ink pens! They all stab!
Ban all knives! I’ll shoot my chicken in half!
More people are killed by automobiles than by any other “weapon”, yet nobody demands that we ban them, or prosecute auto dealers and manufacturers
Hammers, fists, rocks, baseball bats, crow bars, toothbrushes, everything could be used as a weapon if someone has hate and is willing to kill they will use anything.
but mass media wouldn’t have an agenda would they? naaaa..
The Shooter:
His name was Chris Harper Mercer (also known as Saiv Sharma). The mainstream media won’t release this tidbit just yet but he was a recent Muslim convert. This guy went through two classrooms and asked every person what religion they followed. The Christians were shot in the head. Those that had a different religion, or none at all, were shot in the legs.
Now I understand why Obama jumped onto the gun narrative. That’s what happens when the shooter doesn’t fit the angry, white, right wing red neck narrative. Turns out this guy was also on the terrorist watch list.
I was thinking about this all week, even prior to the shooting in Oregon. Every mass killing has one common thread… they all abuse or were on drugs at the time.
In Chicago, there are hundreds of shootings a year. Most of the people who die or are hurt are innocent bystanders.
Obama, and every liberal official say Guns are the problem… I say… Nay Nay… 1) drugs are the problem and 2) lack of education about guns is the second problem.
Just about every criminal has a drivers license… which means they learned at a young age to respect the driving laws of the land.
Why not teach around the age of 14, gun safety, 2nd amendment rights, why, how, and when to use a gun, and training to shoot one (but blanks or a laser gun (like we did in the navy)). I think teaching these lessons on guns, would instill a moral background for the use of one…
Because Gun control is not passing more laws against the rights of law abiding citizens of the united states… Chicago has the highest amount of gun legislation… how is that working out? No Real Gun Control is Knowing when & why to use one and being able to HIT your target without innocent bystanders.
Why not teach people responsibility, instead of take rights away from responsible people… certainly is worth a shot… certainly hasn’t been tried yet.
I use carry knives back in day just in case!!! lol
Me personally I like machetes.
A pencil can be used as a weapon, jam it right up someones nose and it will enter their brain and could possibly kill them.
More deaths with cars…so are we going to ban cars?