After Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on Saturday, February 13, 2016, it was of course Obama’s duty to inform the nation of his death.
Within the first 30 seconds of Obama’s speech, shown in the video on the next page, he describes Scalia as a man who had “colorful opinions.” Disrespect just dropped the mic on Obama’s account.
In what is being dubbed a “mess,” Obama’s Scalia speech couldn’t have been more black and white in order to read between the lines.
A lot of people noticed something fishy going on in Obama’s speech, even branding it as a “disrespectful presentation” of Scalia.
Considering the speech Obama gave in grievance for the family of Trayvon Martin, his stumbling and bumbling of words over Scalia makes no sense unless his sudden speech impediment was simply the result of jitters.
But let’s get real, Obama isn’t just any person, so what reason would he have to be so nervous?
Find out on page two.
Look! Like he is on something again! The look of his eyes
I likewise will not cower like a beat dog. The muslems though a valid threat are a cover for the crimes committed against America. They are meant to take our eyes off of the real ball. George Bush signing America over to the UN and dissolve our country. The real threat here is UN’s Agenda 21 , the move to have no countries , no religions, no Constitution, no freedoms and no property. It is the move by the mega rich elites and their corporate entities to rule the earth as Gods. They have the money to reek havoc on the Earth’s inhabitants (of which I am one) with total disregard to the shear misery they cause. They now have the power to control weather and are working overtime to try and create or mimic “the Big Bang theory” I think that is called C.E.R.N. Located in Switzerland and France. Only heaven can help us if they accomplish what they set out to accomplish. When you worship Satan, and you feel God hid and withheld knowledge from you. And only Satan showed you how to get that knowledge. Your perspective is askew from the time of the garden of Eden. I may be wrong but maybe , just maybe they are out to spit in God’s Face. For what they, this secret society are doing is not for the benefit of mankind. I think they are out to destroy Gods creation , just so they can laugh at him.
OBUMASSO PLAN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
His cocky attitude ? His arrogance ? His sloppy dress ? Yep !
No, listening to him is nails down a chalk board. I can’t handle it any more !!!
He is way to ‘smug’ about it to be guiltless!
When he gave this speach he looked at peace and had a glow because he knows now that this judge is dead he can now move forward with his plan to take down our country no one is standing in his way now…he didnt even have a tie on and his shirt was unbottoned he just seemed more relaxed
Of course the yard ape “knew,” he ordered the murder…
Anything he does is dubious!!
He should be impeached and then hung. He is the worst president ever. That even counts Clintin who I hated. At least he did get a little head. Our current commander in coward is just a illeal just like all his mudslims brothers.