After Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on Saturday, February 13, 2016, it was of course Obama’s duty to inform the nation of his death.
Within the first 30 seconds of Obama’s speech, shown in the video on the next page, he describes Scalia as a man who had “colorful opinions.” Disrespect just dropped the mic on Obama’s account.
In what is being dubbed a “mess,” Obama’s Scalia speech couldn’t have been more black and white in order to read between the lines.
A lot of people noticed something fishy going on in Obama’s speech, even branding it as a “disrespectful presentation” of Scalia.
Considering the speech Obama gave in grievance for the family of Trayvon Martin, his stumbling and bumbling of words over Scalia makes no sense unless his sudden speech impediment was simply the result of jitters.
But let’s get real, Obama isn’t just any person, so what reason would he have to be so nervous?
Find out on page two.
Would not doubt it in the least, since most of the Supreme Court decisions lately have been against Obama
The same reaction he has when talking about a mass shooting and immediately goes into his gun control speech. No good$#%&!@*Muslim loving traitor that needs dethroned.
How many bodies will there be? Will Obama have more dead bodies in his legacy than the Clintons?
Like the fact that he smiled more than usual? He rushes to put one if his followers in Scalia’s place. He’s using the Constitution like never before.
Shelley Lyons Exactly !
Great. Now THEY know that YOU know. YOU’RE NEXT!
it is his last year he doesnt have much time left
Sure in the hell waste no time in wanting to replace Justice scalia. Hum more questions rise.
Trump 2016.
From day one into his Presidency when he lies he stutters. He winks that one eye, which the Biblw describes as a man who winketh with one eye brings destruction. Obama is a Muslim fraudulent President who’s goal is to destroy America.