After Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on Saturday, February 13, 2016, it was of course Obama’s duty to inform the nation of his death.
Within the first 30 seconds of Obama’s speech, shown in the video on the next page, he describes Scalia as a man who had “colorful opinions.” Disrespect just dropped the mic on Obama’s account.
In what is being dubbed a “mess,” Obama’s Scalia speech couldn’t have been more black and white in order to read between the lines.
A lot of people noticed something fishy going on in Obama’s speech, even branding it as a “disrespectful presentation” of Scalia.
Considering the speech Obama gave in grievance for the family of Trayvon Martin, his stumbling and bumbling of words over Scalia makes no sense unless his sudden speech impediment was simply the result of jitters.
But let’s get real, Obama isn’t just any person, so what reason would he have to be so nervous?
Find out on page two.
reckless post
Craig Sims – just through watching what he does- – actions speak louder than deceptive speeches.
You people have no shame. Why not throw the Kennedy assassination in as well. IDIOTS !!
He is laughing that this is my highest profile killing yet..
What a bunch of rubbish!
It’s as thou he is behind his death somehow.
There is a special place in Hell for people like him, he may think its funny and cool now, thats easy, but good days do run out.
Scailia was 79 years old, obese, had an extremely high stress job and suffered from sleep apnea. He died in his sleep. There are enough problems in our country without the need for crazy theories…see the Republican Presdental race…which of those clowns isn’t lying?
Sooooo…if someone winks at you, it means they’re plotting to destroy the world??? Lots of crazy stuff is said about Obama, but Jacquelyn Scamardo you win today’s CRAZIEST award!
What a crock of shittery this story is. As usual the farrrrr right can’t decide whether BHO is an inept oaf, or a master manipulator. A master manipulator would have had a tie on, just for starters.
And a comment about Scalia’s “colorful opinions?” – is now a sign of disrespect? Clearly you haven’t read many of them, and are too stupid to know that Scalia himself was quite proud of his well known ability to write that way. Oh, the list goes on. I suppose the next comment will be “but Obama . . . Muslim.”