After Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on Saturday, February 13, 2016, it was of course Obama’s duty to inform the nation of his death.
Within the first 30 seconds of Obama’s speech, shown in the video on the next page, he describes Scalia as a man who had “colorful opinions.” Disrespect just dropped the mic on Obama’s account.
In what is being dubbed a “mess,” Obama’s Scalia speech couldn’t have been more black and white in order to read between the lines.
A lot of people noticed something fishy going on in Obama’s speech, even branding it as a “disrespectful presentation” of Scalia.
Considering the speech Obama gave in grievance for the family of Trayvon Martin, his stumbling and bumbling of words over Scalia makes no sense unless his sudden speech impediment was simply the result of jitters.
But let’s get real, Obama isn’t just any person, so what reason would he have to be so nervous?
Find out on page two.
Hillary Clinton said weeks before that, “obama would make a great supreme court justice”
Premeditated foresight?
There needs to be a Full Investigation on Scalia’s death!! I don’t trust this man a all!!
POS trader he needs to be tried and locked up for ever
0webama had the justice snuffed ! For the$#%&!@*slap Scalia gave him days earlier . There was trillions of global warming dollars at stake !
I read in the Book of Revelations that the end times would be foretold by people posting retarded conspiracy theories on social media. I am really worried and think Trump is the antichrist.
What a stupid post.
noun ˈtrüth
the truth : the real facts about something : the things that are true
: the quality or state of being true
: a statement or idea that is true or accepted as true
So what part of this truth don’t you all understand ?
The American citizen has chosen to be fooled, for lack of better terms. They have decided to enjoy the works of the corrupt politicians as long as it benefits them, however the weight or duration of the entitlement. It’s now about, “what can I get”, and to hell with the other party.
The trouble with this mindset is the ignorance involved and shared, “get what you want”, mentality has to be financed, by someone with a real job!
Here’s a great example of ignorance, and greed:
Hypothetically, let’s take some nobody Kenyan born, half black man, and raise him in an Islamic environment, during his early years, now add some Socialist and Communist training and mentorship to his already faulty character, for his teen and early adult years, now let’s fine tune his anti American, anti Caucasian, anti Capitalist attitude with some law school and community activism for his pre political training years. Spice that up with some trips to Pakistan to meet the minds behind the man, training, now let’s add a female racist and anti Caucasian, anti Christian, and anti American to the mix….now we have a devout Islamic jihadist, with behind the scenes backing and financing, from some of the world’s most wealthy Socialist / Communist maggots and he’s ready for entry into the American political scene.
But he can’t be presented as a Socialist or a Communist and represent either party outwardly, that wouldn’t be excepted, so let’s register him as a Democrat, the weaker of the two American political parties at the time, then this nobody, who comes from nowhere, is suddenly made popular and charming to the minority community, who desperately need a hero.
Now let’s add some greed and power to the mix, the Democratic party, is trying like hell to regain political power in America, it really makes no difference to them who brings them this power, they’ll back this individual and rally behind him….regardless of his failed record as a Illinois Senator, or his absent past as an American, or his evident anti American political affiliations prior to his supposed rise through the political ranks, power and greed are the theme for the Dem’s, they’d hire anyone….and they did !
It’s really no surprise this nobody, came up in the most corrupt political system in America.
Now we have this Socialist / Communist backed Muslim as the POTUS, posing as a Christian Democrat, and now in 2012, the Democrat’s finally realize they traded their political souls to the devil for power, embarrassed and ashamed they are now playing the blame game, and attempting to save face at the reality of what they’ve done to America….Now that true American’s are awaken to this continuous lie, the only resort the Democratic party has left is, to come up with a voter base of ignorants just as stupid and careless as they were, regarding American’s future…ah….Now comes the Illegal immigrants and mindless uncaring, uneducated populace, who care about nothing but free stuff and no accountability…..
Nah…..that could never happen in America?
Was it his eyes dancing?
Do you people have any idea how fucked up you are?