After Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on Saturday, February 13, 2016, it was of course Obama’s duty to inform the nation of his death.
Within the first 30 seconds of Obama’s speech, shown in the video on the next page, he describes Scalia as a man who had “colorful opinions.” Disrespect just dropped the mic on Obama’s account.
In what is being dubbed a “mess,” Obama’s Scalia speech couldn’t have been more black and white in order to read between the lines.
A lot of people noticed something fishy going on in Obama’s speech, even branding it as a “disrespectful presentation” of Scalia.
Considering the speech Obama gave in grievance for the family of Trayvon Martin, his stumbling and bumbling of words over Scalia makes no sense unless his sudden speech impediment was simply the result of jitters.
But let’s get real, Obama isn’t just any person, so what reason would he have to be so nervous?
Find out on page two.
He did seem “prepared”.
he did not have a teleprompter ,, so he could not think of what to say,, therefore he had to stumble over his words while trying to say something that would be acceptable to the public !!!!
Really? Who writes this fiction?
Tim Rohe This argument does not exist. First of all the family of Justice Scalia requested no autopsy. i would hope that all coroners and law enforcement would adhere to the family wishes.
He makes me sick hes liar a fraud and a thief
Besides he is stoned ???????
Bottom line in my opinion most can’t stand this lower than low t**d
First Off , He Was Vacationing AGAIN Near Palm Springs Playing Golf , Then He Comes Out To Make This What , 5 Min. Speech Looking VERY Un-presidential Showing NO Concern Whatsoever FOR His Death . The Owner Of The Ranch Where Scalia Was Vacationing IS Owned BY A Billionaire Donor Of Obama’s & HE’s The Person Who FOUND Justice Scalia , EVERYTHING Here Just Screams Controversy & WHY DID The Family AGREE To NO Autopsy & His Body Was Embalmed Immediately ?! Then It Was Reported On TV Yesterday , That Obama Will NOT Be Attending The Funeral , He’s Sending Biden , NO Good Reason As To WHY Obama Will NOT Attend !!!!!