If only government officials were held to the same standard as ordinary citizens, we could clear up a number of mysteries and clean out the government nest of vipers. However, when one of their own is threatened, government officials are expert at conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and plain old perjury, with never a threat of punishment.
That is true with Hillary’s private email server, and it is true with the Benghazi investigation that has been going on for about five years years. It is clear that Benghazi was mishandled, and the ones who were in the best position to engineer a rescue of the Americans stuck in the embassy at the time, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, cannot even explain where they were during the critical hours of the attack, and why they took no action at all to save the victims.
Pentagon whines about the request for information from the House committee investigating Benghazi, page 2:
Haaaa tell them to go get F#@k
Pentagon is corrupt
Trey must be really close
Can’t wait till President Trump starts cleaning house.
Since when does the Pentagon tell any body but their own kind what the hell to do.The Country has the right to expose the lies and deceit and shameful cover up of the tragic deaths
That is the tail wagging the dog. Congress tells the military what to do or they get no money.$#%&!@*backwards.
Pentagon doesn’t have the power to tell them to back off….. Congress is the branch of government that funds those idiots that are becoming the team of sissies
we want the truth. and why were navy sailors kneeling to irainian scum. we demand answers !!!
Congress should tell the Pentagon their checks will be late coming real late !!!!!!!!!!!
P**s off pentagon not your concern!