If only government officials were held to the same standard as ordinary citizens, we could clear up a number of mysteries and clean out the government nest of vipers. However, when one of their own is threatened, government officials are expert at conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and plain old perjury, with never a threat of punishment.
That is true with Hillary’s private email server, and it is true with the Benghazi investigation that has been going on for about five years years. It is clear that Benghazi was mishandled, and the ones who were in the best position to engineer a rescue of the Americans stuck in the embassy at the time, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, cannot even explain where they were during the critical hours of the attack, and why they took no action at all to save the victims.
Pentagon whines about the request for information from the House committee investigating Benghazi, page 2:
whether they like it or not the truth is coming out God wants it too!
Oh SURE! The pentagon is OMNIPOTENT! They are ABOVE The Law, AND the Constitution. The answer to NO ONE! They NEED to be put in their place! They SERVE The People, NOT the other way around!
You pentagon rump swabs had better do what your bosses tell you to do
You know something is up!
Shame on all of you people at the Pentagon for even suggesting this. Gowdy needs to continue Investigating for as long as it takes to indict Hillary WE ALL know she’s GUILTY.
So, the Pentagon does not want the truth to come out?!
It is time to change all that. Obamacare should be the same for everybody. Let them suckers suffer a little bit too.
Gowdy and the Benghazi Panel need to tell the Pentagon, Cummings, Omuzzie, Killary, et. al., to p**s off and get to the bottom of the desertion and murder of the men in Benghazi. Lo Lynch needs to put on her big girl panties and support the American people, for whom she works. We don’t need another Valarie Jarrett in the Department of Justice – having one on OMuzzie’s staff is enough.
who needs a lie?? maybe obama and clinton !!
We don’t want Gowdy and the Bengazi investigators to back of because we want true transparency of the government agencies and accountability for their actions when they still kill or order the death or theft of Americans