It’s very important that we keep an eye on the government, not only because it commits egregious acts but also because it tries to conceal said acts from the population at large.
Beginning in 1932, the power of the state started to expand rapidly thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal programs. While the plan was controversial even at the time of its implementation, supporters of the plan insisted that it was necessary due to the Great Depression and other mitigating factors and maintained that it would end once the emergencies facing the nation had been overcome.
Yet here we are some 80 years later, and the government has increased not just its power but its wealth to levels FDR never dreamed of. This excess of treasure has led Washington to become reckless in its spending habits, with its inhabitants expending more energy on hiding its wastefulness instead of curbing it.
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This should not come as a surprise. If anyone out there thinks our government doesn’t waste money, they are sadly mistaken.
That’s fine, me thinks after Mad Dog gets done with you Obama pencil pushers you will sign your retirement papers and let real men run the place. No more spending unless it’s for troops. Get some of Americans combat veterans men and women in there to clear up the trash you lollipops have made for the last 15 years.
Suppressed? Not a strong enough word!
Pentagon fraudulently deceived?
What about all of that missing money?
Not surppressed if you pay attention to the illfated investment loans approved by none other thsn obama herself. Salindra and also therd are two giant derrigibles hiding in hangers in California that are reportedly capable of transporting huge cargo shipments by air. These cost billions in research and developement. What are they good for? Nothing, but the vast amount of money the owners have pocketed along with the political “gifts” to the DNC that, by the way, are deductable on income tax. Hence the double dipping theft by these liberal wimps
I am sooo sick of the corruption, the pentagon really! Does anyone in Washington take their jobs seriously
Government suppression of documents, waste, cover up. …… sounds like a day in American government
Can’t be trusted