It’s been said that the first casualty of war is truth. And there’s a lot to that. In an effort to influence opinion in Iraq shortly after the invasion, the Pentagon spent over one-half billion dollars creating fake terrorist videos.
The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
PR firm Bell Pottinger, known for its array of controversial clients including the Saudi government and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s foundation, worked with the US military to create the propaganda in a secretive operation.
The firm reported to the CIA, the National Security Council and the Pentagon on the project with a mandate to portray Al-Qaeda in a negative light and track suspected sympathizers.
Just to be sure we’ve got this right,
The Bell Pottinger operation started soon after the US invasion of Iraq and was tasked with promoting the “democratic elections” for the administration before moving on to more lucrative psychological and information operations.
And what were these videos like and what was done with them?
They would craft scripts for Arabic soap operas where characters would reject terrorism with happy consequences. The firm also created fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos, which were then planted by the military in homes they raided.
According to Wells, the videos were picked up in Iran, Syria and the US.
“If one, 48 hours or a week later shows up in another part of the world, then that’s the more interesting one,” Wells explained. “And that’s what they’re looking for more, because that gives you a trail.”
So the U.S. taxpayers forked over $540 million to a British PR firm to feed propaganda to Iraqis and to track their behavior in the aftermath of the U.S. invasion. Given the rest of the disinformation surrounding the way in Iraq, why are we not surprised?
Source: RT
God we need a good house cleaning and jail time for those that have robbed, approriated funds for themselves and viotated their duties
Where did the money come from ? Is our government spending TaxPayer money on Anti-American b******t while the National Debt is in the Trillions ? You’ll get no more tax money from me Treasonous motherfuckers. Get ready for Civil War people, the government needs to be taken down.
Hollywood could do it for less than 2,000,000. However what ever a govt aency does always cost more $.
Replace thier$#%&!@*
We have enough real terrorist attacks
Meanwhile the Goferment can’t give a cost of living rais to Social Security so seniors could afford a little something.Too sad for words.
Dear God what is the matter with these people?
And they wonder why Americans don’t trust them