The doctrine of global warming will one day be seen as one of the biggest and most expensive hoaxes perpetrated on mankind. Last month was supposed to be the date for disaster, according to expert climatologist Al Gore, when tremendous climate cataclysms would bring civilization to a stand still.
Strangely, the world kept spinning, and in fact, there were no real indications that anything was different from the previous years. No untoward weather events, no islands drowned in rising seas, no indication that the glaciers had all melted. In fact, weather was mild, there was more ice in the Antarctic than in decades, and once again, average temperatures showed no increase for the 19th year in a row.
That, of course, will not dissuade the global change proponents. After going back and reevaluating their measurements they suddenly declared that 2015 was THE HOTTEST YEAR EVER, and they had simply measured things incorrectly.
It is amazing that the global change advocates are never embarrassed when they have to tweak their data to get the results that they want. But it is the same type of scheme that allowed them to declare that the science is settled and everyone agrees that global change, or warming, or whatever they currently want it to be, is a dire problem which we must immediately react to and invest in. It has become a religion, not science, and the true believers seek to silence all disagreement and scientific data that does not move their tattered theories forward.
Digging into the objectives of the global change high priests, it is easy to see that it really is about power, control and money. And it is outrageous that Barack Obama, no scientist he, is leading the United States into a giant investment and a change in how huge entities like the U.S. military are run in order to promote the sketchy science of global warming without proof, and with the plan of completely changing the mission of the armed forces.
Global warming theory defeats U.S. military, page 2:
WHAT A CROCK OF$#%&!@*!!!!!
Stupid c**p
un fuken beleivable.
Somehow the liberals have declared war on ” facts “….
Facts don’t matter to these anti-American pigs..
Thanks for listing them, anyway, Jean…
Justice is on the way for them, all of the crooks upon the hill it coming. Very soon. For new leadership vote Donald Trump for 2016
You want balls, a tough guy, an alpha male, in the white house. A guy who is going to stick up for Americans, American History, the Constitution and has enough economic common sense to fart 2% growth while sleeping…. Trump is your man. You want an end to the wars in the middle east, swift, ambitious and deadly… Trump is your man. You want to stop arming the enemy, allowing Muslim terrorists into America.. stop the drugs coming across the border into USA.. Trump is your man… you want a wall, so high and beautiful that the T in trump originated from TROY.. Trump is your man…..if you want to deport all the illegals sucking off the taxpayer, Trump is your msn. if you want a blue shirt, a yes man to the establishment, pick Any one of the other candidates for more of the same… with the exception of Cruz, but I think Cruz lies.. TRUMP is sincere, honest and straight to the point… God bless Donald Trump… #trump2016
#trump #hillaryforprison2016 And if you’re totally clueless and voting Democrat… your choice of Hillary the con artist, the murderer, the shame of America… or Bernie the Socialist who’s first action is to destroy American businesses large and small. Let government handle it all.. if you believe that.. time to lay off the drugs and alcohol.
Beyond stupid!
You are so right, Martha…. Depopulation of everyone accept muslims….
The thing dreaded most, in the hands of muslims, are these nasty nuclear things….
If they wish to kill all non muslims & seize their property, as their prophet instructs them to do…surely they would rather kill us en masse, rather than the current slow murderous process, employed by ISIS…
How long can one hold their breath? Waiting to exhale!
Sniper needed