Pentagon Officials: Special Forces Must Address THIS Problem

Top Pentagon officials claim that the Elite Military Units, like the Army Green Berets and Navy SEALs, are too male and too white. There is a push for diversity, because of course, skin tone and not top notch skill, is what is best for our military elites.

“We don’t know where we will find ourselves in the future,” said Army Col. Michael Copenhaver. “One thing is for sure: We will find ourselves around the globe. And around the globe you have different cultural backgrounds everywhere. Having that kind of a diverse force can only increase your operational capability.”

Copenhaver wrote a paper in 2014 arguing that integrating minorities into Special Operations Forces would help address national security threats because those minorities would have specific knowledge of culture in a given deployment area.

What can a black kid from South Compton possibly know about the culture in a “given deployment area” because of his skin color?  The idea that skin color, or female-ness, will somehow help win wars in cultures that are radically different than American culture, makes for a weak attempt to promote diversity for diversity’s sake.

If one desires to become part of an Elite Military Unit, than nothing should stop that individual except his or her will to press on.  Only the best of the best make it through Hell Week to become America’s finest; it has nothing to do with diversity.  Grit and strength of character is what is needed.

Read more at The DAILY CALLER on how, “We need people of color, we need men, we need women to help us solve the problems that we deal with today…So we need good people; men, women, people of all colors.”



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