Illegal immigrants can now obtain a path to citizenship through the Dept. of Defense’s program “Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest” (MAVNI). At the moment, the only illegal immigrants that can obtain citizenship this way must have a specific skill set, like a doctor or a person who speaks an obscure language. But this program can only grow – Obama wants military personnel loyal to the left. The Army is actually scaling down its soldiers, laying off 20,000 by the end of next year. So why offer illegal immigrants citizenship when Obama is scaling down the military?SEE PAGE 2 FOR MORE:
And I will have no problem shooting them either.
how bout we put prison orange suits on them and make them pick up trash along the side of the highways?
Very good point Raine, but I still think we need to deport them.
Since when does the Pentagon have the right or the authority to offer a path to citizenship ? The military generally don’t expect criminals and that’s what people are who are here illegally, I don’t care if your from Sweden,England, Mexico, Iceland, where ever if you here Illegally or if you’ve over stayed your visa or student visa your a criminal it’s that simple. All these politicians swear to uphold and Constitution and the laws of this land and they don’t, they pander to the different racial groups when there is only one the human race everything’s political and they’re all ways trying to divide and conquer. It’s disappointing : (
Theirs no need for loyalty to the people of the U.S.
Good Lord, that’s just about the most inane statement I’ve ever seen
Remember….the administration just cut 23000 American soldiers from active dity….they also relieved a high number of high ranking officers because they said they would not fire on American citizens……so this makes sense….restaff with people who will…
William laury wow. I sure hope that’s not your belief
Yep the fix is in ! America prepare yourself
They need soldiers who will fire on Americans in the next phase of the Tyrant-in-Chief’s plan for martial law.