Illegal immigrants can now obtain a path to citizenship through the Dept. of Defense’s program “Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest” (MAVNI). At the moment, the only illegal immigrants that can obtain citizenship this way must have a specific skill set, like a doctor or a person who speaks an obscure language. But this program can only grow – Obama wants military personnel loyal to the left. The Army is actually scaling down its soldiers, laying off 20,000 by the end of next year. So why offer illegal immigrants citizenship when Obama is scaling down the military?SEE PAGE 2 FOR MORE:
Here we go again. This sucks.
This should not be allowed
Oh for pete sakes. We have offered this forever. I went to AIT with a British guy and a Cuban in 1986.
Dorothy Lowry, got the most part you are correct, I had a couple good friends in Basic and AIT from Ecuador and Nicaragua who were earning their citizenship. The difference is that they had not violated federal law and were here in this country as illegal criminals prior to their enlistment.
As for the rest of you freaking out about this situation, Obama does not need to recruit illegals to control American citizens in care of rebellion or an uprising.
How many of you are aware of the armed Mexican troops brought in during Hurricane Katrina?
Bush already signed the mutual aid agreement with Mexico and Canada in a meeting which received extremely limited news coverage and was held in Texas while he was President.
All Obama is doing is keeping the promise he made to the illegals in Florida at the National La Raza Convention during the campaign for his first term when he promised to do all in his power to make them legal if they got him elected.
Of course if we face off in a rebellion against his Dictatorship he will utilize his loyalist illegal Mexican against us but her doesn’t need them.
The agreement and plans have been made and double checked since Bush was in office to use Mexican and Canadian troops in that situation.
Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, and Conservatives, your all being played.
You worry and fight over the pet issues of each political stance never doing to think, the politicians all attend the same schools, join the same fraternities and clubs, and sit on the boards of the same companies.
The issues are simply pushed as political party rhetoric to keep us all occupied.
Political parties are simply a meaningless tool if distraction until everything is in place to scrap democracy once we are actually to helpless to resist.
Is anyone not considering that these illegals may be transformed terrorist. It is a fact that terrorist ran through mexico and a plot was overthrown by our military. So who’s to say that they haven’t started again
can I shoot back?
But can we trust them?
wow Traitors in the Pentagon
Traitors one and all for this unbelievable “pathway”, there is only one pathway to citizenship.