Illegal immigrants can now obtain a path to citizenship through the Dept. of Defense’s program “Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest” (MAVNI). At the moment, the only illegal immigrants that can obtain citizenship this way must have a specific skill set, like a doctor or a person who speaks an obscure language. But this program can only grow – Obama wants military personnel loyal to the left. The Army is actually scaling down its soldiers, laying off 20,000 by the end of next year. So why offer illegal immigrants citizenship when Obama is scaling down the military?SEE PAGE 2 FOR MORE:
O is the worst Liberal
trouble is, we will shoot back.
Is not that the real reason he is not deporting illegal immigrants and letting them come here in the first place?
It was reported on RT and like the Russian Federation, the United States will protect its own interests. But for Rossiya to lecture the U.S. on morality or reporting on contingency plans against U.S. citizens it outright hypocrisy for the country that makes unlawful land grabs in Ukraine.
Guy posting above tried to blame it on sequester cuts…Bwaahaa! That’s comical.
Really, with no real allegiance to America!
oh great let’s just give our enemies a freakin gun and train them how to properly kill us right here in our own country!!! as if we Americans don’t have enough to worry about!!! get that freakin traitor out of our white house now before it’s too late!!!!!
I can just see Drill Sergeants issuing commands in two languages. Part of the platoon will be making a column right and the rest will be continuing to march forward.
I see allot of friendly fire happening here
I don’t know what planet you people live on…but it must be a scary one.