Illegal immigrants can now obtain a path to citizenship through the Dept. of Defense’s program “Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest” (MAVNI). At the moment, the only illegal immigrants that can obtain citizenship this way must have a specific skill set, like a doctor or a person who speaks an obscure language. But this program can only grow – Obama wants military personnel loyal to the left. The Army is actually scaling down its soldiers, laying off 20,000 by the end of next year. So why offer illegal immigrants citizenship when Obama is scaling down the military?SEE PAGE 2 FOR MORE:
Remember the revolution what year did it start?
sooo wrong
Sad so sad I’m mexican but I know what’s going on god bless america forever
they did this the moment they made this godless buthead president
what a bunch of c**p, it is a new way for LIBTURDS to get voters, if they can get citizenship, they can vote.
Theres a little “food for thought” huh !
I’ve been saying this. Why do you think he purged officers who would not fire on american citizes?
Awww man I fkn knew it and we wore talking about tbat weeks ago
yes you too can be one of us if your willing to take a bullet in the ass as we did
This is what I’ve been saying for some time. Obama wants a military loyal to him and not the Constitution.