The Pentagon isn’t carrying out airstrikes against an estimated 60 known ISIS training camps that are spread throughout Iraq and Syria. The reason given is concerns over collateral damage.
I guess the damage that these jihadists plan on carrying out here in the U.S. after waltzing over our porous border is not of primary concern.
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Trump gets in there all getting nuked can’t wait no room on this earth for these animals
Nope… How else will the U.S government build an enemy to continue it’s agenda?
Wake up folks…the enemy is running our country! Should be clear to any person with common sense by now!?
People why are we allowing foreign fighters to train in our country at our expense just so they can kill more innocent people? The Power to stop this lies in the hands of the People!
isis training camps in USA
the entire government is in cahoots to kill off America as we’ve known her
go get them NOW !!!
Obama wants them to produce