If what Obama says about military spending is true, that would be like bragging about having the nicest trailer in the trailer park, except we’re talking about the military, which makes the whole thing that much more frightening.
In case you missed his State of the Union address, you can watch an excerpt in the player below.
Like everything else President Obama says, his statements directly contradict what people who are actually in the military are saying. According to recent reports, the president has been warned that if he makes anymore budget cuts to the military, America’s ability to protect itself will be severely diminished. The welcome mats would be rolled out for ISIS, if that wasn’t President Obama’s plan in the first place.
Source: truthandaction.org
Source: truthandaction.org
These Men need to Do their Dam Job…
He talks about the wonderful things Trump will do for America! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuNqNEAIbSA&sns=em
Is there anyone who expects Obama to be honest about anything?
I felt so sorry for them to have to set through Obama’s speech on state of the union when he spewed his lies.They should never be subjected to that
Really Obama then where is the money being spent ??? You sir have made tremendous cuts to our military. My son served 14 years but you made your cut so he missed out on his retirement with them. After serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and protecting your sorry$#%&!@*and that of your family. You do not deserve anyone’s protection!!!
Wow! They don’t look to happy!!!