The Pentagon has planned to destroy around $1 billion dollars worth of ammo since April 2014, all because they say there is no system in place to share them across different branches of our armed forces.
“Despite years of effort, the Army, Navy and Air Force still don’t have an efficient process for doing something as basic as sharing excess bullets. This Government Accountability Office (GAO) report clearly shows that our military’s antiquated systems lead to millions of dollars in wasteful ammunition purchases.” states Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
And how much did DHS purchase?
I have a long past and a short future, thank God.
This is absolutely wasteful of taxpayers money
Well now you know why there has and still is a shortage.
A conspiracist might see a big conspiracy against the American people.
How damn hard can it be to distribute this ammo to the different branches of service?
Stupid is as stupid does.
you seem to forget that we are talking about the gov. at this time the are not known to have a lot of brains if it does not first fill their pockets. that and they do not want citizens to be able to use any
he doesnt want the American people to have it
Just think we all paid for that ammunition with our taxes, not to bring up home land security just bought over a billon rounds. And isn’t the IRS buying ammo, as well as FDA and EPA… If they want to get rid of it give it back to us or our taxes back…
no they will hide it