The Pentagon has planned to destroy around $1 billion dollars worth of ammo since April 2014, all because they say there is no system in place to share them across different branches of our armed forces.
“Despite years of effort, the Army, Navy and Air Force still don’t have an efficient process for doing something as basic as sharing excess bullets. This Government Accountability Office (GAO) report clearly shows that our military’s antiquated systems lead to millions of dollars in wasteful ammunition purchases.” states Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
And how much did DHS purchase?
give it away to the people. Idiots.
What is wrong with us
I will work some ot for a few thousand rounds dumbasses!
this is a common practice .. ive seen em detonate lots of artillery shells and shoot up lots of Ammo to recycle the brass etc etc etc .. go figuar huh ..
It’s not only ammo. Everything from bandaids to bulldozers. Did you ever hear about the “million dollar hole” at Fort Leonard Wood Mo?
Waste not, want not…Just shows the federal government is inept in so many ways. What a shame. Someone needs to stop this senseless destruction of perfectly good ammunition. Like Ronald Reagan used to say about the least favorite thing the American people want to hear: “I’m from the government, and I am here to help!”
Dumb is as dumb does. Is there any sane people in our government any more? Our pres is behind all this making America a target for his wicked plans for a new world order. Just my opinion for what it is worth.
Idiots! Put it in to circulation here in America! Political Controll Freaks!
Why are they going to destroy it!
Our enemies are elected officals!