The Pentagon has planned to destroy around $1 billion dollars worth of ammo since April 2014, all because they say there is no system in place to share them across different branches of our armed forces.
“Despite years of effort, the Army, Navy and Air Force still don’t have an efficient process for doing something as basic as sharing excess bullets. This Government Accountability Office (GAO) report clearly shows that our military’s antiquated systems lead to millions of dollars in wasteful ammunition purchases.” states Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
And how much did DHS purchase?
Dumbass people the only reason they are destroying it is so the public cannot get it martial law is about to be in effect why would they give us more ammunition? They want to keep that ammo shortage…
That is ridculous
Conveinient cover story. While all the Federal Gov Agencies like EPA, DEA and such are stockpiling billions of rounds of ammunition, they once more take the equipment out of the hands of our Military.
give it to me, I will have a lot of NEW FREINDS that will help me pass it out…anybody with me!
sounds like a bunch of b.s. to me….
Consider his done intentionally. No one is that f***ing stupid.
If there is any F—ing way the federal government can waste taxpayers money they will find a way, instead of using their F—ing heads with just a little COMMON SENSE.
As usual with the military, FUBAR
How about giving the ammo to defenders of America, the law abiding Americans who bought the ammo you jerks. You just think you can waste & destroy our hard earned tax dollars, shame on you, hope ever person who backs this waste is fired or not elected again ever.
Give it to the people who paid for it.