The Pentagon has planned to destroy around $1 billion dollars worth of ammo since April 2014, all because they say there is no system in place to share them across different branches of our armed forces.
“Despite years of effort, the Army, Navy and Air Force still don’t have an efficient process for doing something as basic as sharing excess bullets. This Government Accountability Office (GAO) report clearly shows that our military’s antiquated systems lead to millions of dollars in wasteful ammunition purchases.” states Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
And how much did DHS purchase?
Use the dam ammo on the radical islamist over in iraq and seria duh
They really want to leave us defenseless!!
Probably part of that 1.6 Billion rounds of 9mm which the government bought up to keep the American People from getting. They should offer it for sale to citizens to recoup some of the cost but the treasonous perverts will want to destroy it instead won’t they?
In this age of computerization they can’t write a program to track the ammo? What stupidity!
Going out with a bang…
This is why we as a nation are almost EIGHTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT. Because the criminals in our unconstitutional Federal government monstrosity, especially those in our Department of Perpetual War and of Destroying WE THE PEOPLE and of Raping the rest of the World (“DOD”), steal our hard-earned money at an astronomical rate and throw it down a rathole. Ron Paul is my President.
Or sell it?
Refuse to do it. Obama would wish for us to be without ammo. It may be an indication he is about to pull the plug and start the invasion, giving the signal to the boat to explode the EMP, and the signal for the terror cells.
Drop it from the sky on ISIS, that will get rid of it.
Yah, question is will it really be destroyed???