The Pentagon has planned to destroy around $1 billion dollars worth of ammo since April 2014, all because they say there is no system in place to share them across different branches of our armed forces.
“Despite years of effort, the Army, Navy and Air Force still don’t have an efficient process for doing something as basic as sharing excess bullets. This Government Accountability Office (GAO) report clearly shows that our military’s antiquated systems lead to millions of dollars in wasteful ammunition purchases.” states Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
And how much did DHS purchase?
I don’t believe them. I also feel they are trying to disarm OUR MILITARY,they said they were pink slipping 90,000 of OUR troops. I don’t believe they are destroying ammo. I think it’s a smoke screen and the ammo will land in Obama’s New army “illegals” hands or the ammo will be shipped to the Terrorists, disappear. He cannot be trusted. A muslim friend has stated. Muslims are told in the Qu”ran to “RULE THE WORLD” at any cost. This administration “Obama” said ” I will stand with the Muslims” and he will. His allegiance is to the Muslims NOT America or Americans. Look at his actions. We are “infidels” = the enemy to Muslims. They HATE Christians and any other religion. They will lie, steal cheat, and kill in the name of islam and it’s forgiven. It’s a way for them to try to convert Christians. Check the populations of Muslims and the Hundreds of Mosques built already in Europe. UK, France, etc and you will SEE exactly what they’re doing. Taking Control and Obama is ONE of THEM !! Beware. He has completed 4 out of the 5 steps.
sassy says:
“I don’t believe them. I also feel they are trying to disarm OUR MILITARY,they said they were pink slipping 90,000 of OUR troops. I don’t believe they are destroying ammo. I think it’s a smoke screen and the ammo will land in Obama’s New army “illegals” hands or the ammo will be shipped to the Terrorists, disappear. He cannot be trusted. A muslim friend has stated. Muslims are told in the Qu”ran to “RULE THE WORLD” at any cost. This administration “Obama” said ” I will stand with the Muslims” and he will. His allegiance is to the Muslims NOT America or Americans. Look at his actions. We are “infidels” = the enemy to Muslims. They HATE Christians and any other religion. They will lie, steal cheat, and kill in the name of islam and it’s forgiven. It’s a way for them to try to convert Christians. Check the populations of Muslims and the Hundreds of Mosques built already in Europe. UK, France, etc and you will SEE exactly what they’re doing. Taking Control and Obama is ONE of THEM !! Beware. He has completed 4 out of the 5 steps.
take ten million and put one in place stupid
Then sell it to us civilians you butt wipes
This is a scam to order all new stuff and keep the money wheel turning. We are now dealing with nothing but liars in Washington.
tax dollars at work – damned govenment needs a lot of change.
not right, what if we need it?
So they used our tax dollars to take ammo off the market so we couldn’t have it and now they’re using our tax dollars to destroy it. This has nothing to do with lack of distribution…This is about gun control through ammo control. The Pentagon is just another building filled with $#%&!@*s.
They have a system of selling all kinds of material both internally and externally. They just did not want this ammunition on the open market. Think about how they do surplus. Foreign ammunition makes it’s way to the open market. This is pretty fishy. There is no real good reason that this could not be dealt with in the same way. Years ago it would have made its way out to the civilian market.