House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind. This statement is not designed to be hateful or slanderous. These are just her own words being reported.
Pelosi gave a cringe-inducing interview Friday with MSNBC. Crude words, ignorance, and self-humiliation took this exchange to a whole new level. One obvious conclusion emerged. Pelosi believes in evolutionary racism. You remember the old way scientists determined the Negro race was inferior by measuring skulls and proclaiming Negroes were closer to apes while whites a higher evolved species? This same old racist theory can also be pulled out of an elderly buttock and used by a senile old lady to explain why half the country is animals.
It would be charitable to imagine she thought she was a cartoonish figure and playing the role of a witch or evil stepmother in a fairy tale. Then maybe it would make sense why she thought she was living in a kingdom, not a democracy and why half the land is talking animals. But, alas it is instead merely that Pelosi has at last cracked under the pressures of Trump Hysteria and revealing her true viewpoints.
What brought up the topic of talking animals? Hillary tasked Pelosi with renaming her “basket of deplorables” and apparently imagination or original thought is something of a commodity over there in the snow filled Liberal Kingdom fighting the siege of reality.
Pelosi’s theory as to why Trump supporters are primates and how thoughts of Trump, not sleeping keeps HER up at night on the next page
she is a moron
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being called a mammal. That is a scientific fact, we are members of the animal kingdom. How ever some of us have evolved to a point of civilization that we no longer have to envoke derogatory language to express our selves. People that use profanity or offensive language to express themselves or to make a point, actually believe in their minds that they are talking down to others. Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein an Schumer all fall into this category. They haven’t completely evolved as of yet.
Same here every body I know would not vote for a democrats,,,if all Americans were smart they will run from these democrats,,,they are controlling most of the news station keeping a lot of the American people in the dark,,,what they don’t see is that in 2016 ,,,the democrats and f**e news told the American people there no way Trump will win ,the polls said there no way Trump will win,,,so why can’t they see it happening again,,,they are just blinded,,the democrats brainwash so many people even our children in the schools,,,it’s so sad,,,,but the people who know the truth look into stuff,,,we know the democrats want sanctions states so they can keep being them in to the democrats states so they can get back in power they just want there votes,,,but meanwhile,,they are raping woman and children and killing the American people,,,and democrats are not putting them in jail they may go for a day but the judges let them out of jail after what they did the same day,,,and there not deporting them,,,so where does the democrats care about the American people they don’t ,, if it was an American person who did that stuff we would be in jail for life or a long time ,,,so somethings wrong here,,,if the democrats get back in office they will overpopulat America with them coming into our country’s ,,and then there will be more of them ,,then the American people wake up ,,that’s how they will being in Islam and sharia laws into our country and ,,our constitution there will be no more no more freedom ,,,and so much more sickening things will go on ,,,so look into stuff and wake up don’t let them control you mind ,,they are keeping you in the dark
Will then what is she a snake in the grass!!!
Pelosi you get stupider every day you live.
Not like the lemmings in the$#%&!@*democrat party who vote for criminals like hilery
Does anyone listen to this woman?
Yeah well we’re voting you out
Let her scuffle along… let that boo from Los Angeles that doesn’t even live in her District spew her hate.. what they fail to realize is Middle America’s watching they come 2020 no Democrat will win Wisconsin Pennsylvania Ohio or Florida again
Hey polos, looked in the morrow lately?