House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind. This statement is not designed to be hateful or slanderous. These are just her own words being reported.
Pelosi gave a cringe-inducing interview Friday with MSNBC. Crude words, ignorance, and self-humiliation took this exchange to a whole new level. One obvious conclusion emerged. Pelosi believes in evolutionary racism. You remember the old way scientists determined the Negro race was inferior by measuring skulls and proclaiming Negroes were closer to apes while whites a higher evolved species? This same old racist theory can also be pulled out of an elderly buttock and used by a senile old lady to explain why half the country is animals.
It would be charitable to imagine she thought she was a cartoonish figure and playing the role of a witch or evil stepmother in a fairy tale. Then maybe it would make sense why she thought she was living in a kingdom, not a democracy and why half the land is talking animals. But, alas it is instead merely that Pelosi has at last cracked under the pressures of Trump Hysteria and revealing her true viewpoints.
What brought up the topic of talking animals? Hillary tasked Pelosi with renaming her “basket of deplorables” and apparently imagination or original thought is something of a commodity over there in the snow filled Liberal Kingdom fighting the siege of reality.
Pelosi’s theory as to why Trump supporters are primates and how thoughts of Trump, not sleeping keeps HER up at night on the next page
Look into the new retirement home “A Place for Mom,” its time!
She needs to go,
She continually proves that her cognitive functions have deteriorated beyond repair….
Would someone please hit her with a brick!
Better a mammal than a liberal reptiles of a dinosaur era gone by
She is,a bottom feeder, mammals are on top, it’s about time she learns some sense.
The multiple murders of those set to testify against Hillary and the DNC is blowing up exponentially with more and more evidence and witnesses….. Clinton, Loretta, Obama and the worthless entire murderous DNC machine is going down!
Officer who shot unarmed white homeowner in her own yard is black Somali-American Mohamed Noor
Co-Founder Of Fusion GPS, Firm Behind the ‘Trump Dossier,’ Refuses To Testify
IMMIGRANT With Soros-Funded Education, Who Earned $1.5 Million Per Year as DC Lawyer, Flees To “Somewhere in Africa” After Wife Is Caught Collecting Over $100,00 In Welfare
Russian Lawyer working for the DNC, allowed into America illegally by Obama.
Leak found to be the Treasonous Muslim Obama’s administration!
Bye bye DNC….
CNN & MSNBC going with them. These media rodents are America’s true enemies.
Especially the Treasonous Muslim Obama and Hillary. Deep Anti-American corruption, spying and selling America’s secrets to Islamist.
No KY in Prison! A full Louisville Slugger and no lubrication.
Oh the joy of the destruction of a criminal organization!
No mercy! You have no future as an Anti-American degenerate in America. Pack your bags.
Way past time for True Good Americans to get on the Offensive!
The worthless Liberal rodents are starting to be eating each other!
I ordered ten boxes of popcorn!
Please shut this$#%&!@*up
Nancy Pelosi is deranged and feeble!
She’s talking about the democrats again…