House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind. This statement is not designed to be hateful or slanderous. These are just her own words being reported.
Pelosi gave a cringe-inducing interview Friday with MSNBC. Crude words, ignorance, and self-humiliation took this exchange to a whole new level. One obvious conclusion emerged. Pelosi believes in evolutionary racism. You remember the old way scientists determined the Negro race was inferior by measuring skulls and proclaiming Negroes were closer to apes while whites a higher evolved species? This same old racist theory can also be pulled out of an elderly buttock and used by a senile old lady to explain why half the country is animals.
It would be charitable to imagine she thought she was a cartoonish figure and playing the role of a witch or evil stepmother in a fairy tale. Then maybe it would make sense why she thought she was living in a kingdom, not a democracy and why half the land is talking animals. But, alas it is instead merely that Pelosi has at last cracked under the pressures of Trump Hysteria and revealing her true viewpoints.
What brought up the topic of talking animals? Hillary tasked Pelosi with renaming her “basket of deplorables” and apparently imagination or original thought is something of a commodity over there in the snow filled Liberal Kingdom fighting the siege of reality.
Pelosi’s theory as to why Trump supporters are primates and how thoughts of Trump, not sleeping keeps HER up at night on the next page
Dementia in action.
If you look at a high school biology book, you may be surprised to learn that humans are mammals! Why do you get so worked up about this statement. It is easy to understand that many of those would voted for Trump were and still are angry about the last 8 years with a Democratic president. If Trump had not been nominated, many would have voted for the Republican candidate to vote against Hilary. Another point that seems to rile the Trump supporters is concern over Trump’s lack of sleep. I read articles from 3 sources yesterday expressing those same concerns. He has a stressful position and one way to offset the increased stress in to get more sleep. Exercise and improved eating habits would also help but he is not interested in those changes. The times of his tweets certainly indicate he doesn’t sleep much. He does exhibit symptoms that lack of sleep could explain. Instead of arguing about every single thing the democrats say and do, why not spend time reading more sources and trying to understand our differences. And before anyone replies, I am a Democrat (moderate liberal) and a Christian. I am NOT an idiot, moron, snowflake, or any other derogatory name. I am an American!
Gone she’s gone.
Scott Harris , u need to pull your head out off your$#%&!@*!
Now.shes calling us animals because we voted our own way know more believing democrats
I am a Trump supporter and I am sick and tired of you talking down, belittling, degrading and making it sound like I can’t think for myself, I just follower everyone else, I’m ignorant, I have no values everything that you can say bad about me not being able to see reality and knowing the difference. You and people like you are the reason I voted for President Trump. You have set in your high and mighty seat for way to long and think this country has to do as you say not what we the people want.
unfortunately, yes…
Will somebody shut this$#%&!@*up
The DNC is just as guilty as Mrs Clinton. To even think she’s honest, law-abiding and fair individual is idiotic…the same way to look at the system…it has changed to suit, mostly those in “the shadow government,” and surely it is rigged. It is quite naive to think Mrs Clinton won the popular votes when more n more findings of illegals and dead folks voted for her. Also, If her popular votes came from all states, it would be logical. To win it just from two states….looks suspicious.
Kind of like the mammals that vote on a bill to see what’s in it, right$#%&!@*