House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind. This statement is not designed to be hateful or slanderous. These are just her own words being reported.
Pelosi gave a cringe-inducing interview Friday with MSNBC. Crude words, ignorance, and self-humiliation took this exchange to a whole new level. One obvious conclusion emerged. Pelosi believes in evolutionary racism. You remember the old way scientists determined the Negro race was inferior by measuring skulls and proclaiming Negroes were closer to apes while whites a higher evolved species? This same old racist theory can also be pulled out of an elderly buttock and used by a senile old lady to explain why half the country is animals.
It would be charitable to imagine she thought she was a cartoonish figure and playing the role of a witch or evil stepmother in a fairy tale. Then maybe it would make sense why she thought she was living in a kingdom, not a democracy and why half the land is talking animals. But, alas it is instead merely that Pelosi has at last cracked under the pressures of Trump Hysteria and revealing her true viewpoints.
What brought up the topic of talking animals? Hillary tasked Pelosi with renaming her “basket of deplorables” and apparently imagination or original thought is something of a commodity over there in the snow filled Liberal Kingdom fighting the siege of reality.
Pelosi’s theory as to why Trump supporters are primates and how thoughts of Trump, not sleeping keeps HER up at night on the next page
That’s deplorable mammal, Nancy.
Continuing to put down the people (over 62 million) who voted for President Trump and against democrat ideology is just going to cost you more lost elections nationwide.
It what atheist, socialist, snowflakes do.
I wonder if this old hag will ever say anything that makes since ????
Liberal fool.
Institutionalize her….
The Russians attack our democratic system…this should be alarming to all. As far as the DNC there obviously is nothing there that is criminal. You should quit relying on Fox news for your sources. Expand your knowledge. My facts are facts, yours are not. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud…but I understand I’m not going to change your mind….jusf be patient til all these investigations finish, then you can rethink your fears. Good day.
HAHAHAHA!!!! Scott says there is no voter fraud but brings up Russia collusion…. either there is or there isn’t voter fraud. Remember when the leader of the Democratic Party, HRC, was aghast at the thought that Trump wouldn’t accept the results and now THEY’RE not accepting the results. And as Mary stated, yes there is voter fraud already clearly documented. People HAVE been charged and prosecuted for it, Project Veritas has proven time and time again that the Democratic party has willingly and knowingly committed voter fraud. And yet, We the People still defeated them and their lies, conniving and collusion because we stood our ground.
nice hashtag!
This woman is delusional, she needs to be examined by a doctor as she is losing it.