Oh, Nancy, your comments are ‘just stunning”, as you tell the American people to think about how cruel our broken immigration system is as they prepare for Thanksgiving. Here is a challenge to you Ms. Pelosi, if you are so concerned about immigrants, will you host a few illegals at you Thanksgiving table?
For all your bravado, your psuedo-compassion laced talk, I highly doubt you will break from your tradition around your sumptuous, turkey laden fair, to put your money where your mouth is and do something tangible for those you claim to champion.
You say that you have rededicated yourself to advancing immigration that honors families and strengthens communities, yet your form of advancement is a big mouth and a microphone to advance a social agenda that you don’t have to tangibly or personally get your hands dirty doing.
Read Nancy’s hypocritical rhetoric on the next page, as she bullies the public to feel guilty about immigration, but certainly does nothing to personally help any individual family on Thanksgiving.
From one law breaker (Nancy) to another 10 MILLION law breaker
If she loves illegal immigrants soooo much, she should go to Afghanistan and become one.
Nope, SNL is not as funny.
Cruel treatment ??? Using US hard earned tax money for medical,housing,food and welfare yes that is something to be ashamed of!!
I cannot wait for the day…when I don’t have to see or hear this women any more.. She is a twisted sister of the first degree…
What a mouth, we passed it to find out what’s in it, the joke of the Obama Administration.
If she feels this way, Why doesn’t this rich old hag house them on her and her husband’s huge property.
How about feeling guilty over our homeless vets and the medical attention they don’t get or children in America who go to bed hungry?
I feel guilty for letting run your Pelosi blow hole.
Pelosi need to feel bad for the homeless and military in our country and feed and house them.