Oh, Nancy, your comments are ‘just stunning”, as you tell the American people to think about how cruel our broken immigration system is as they prepare for Thanksgiving. Here is a challenge to you Ms. Pelosi, if you are so concerned about immigrants, will you host a few illegals at you Thanksgiving table?
For all your bravado, your psuedo-compassion laced talk, I highly doubt you will break from your tradition around your sumptuous, turkey laden fair, to put your money where your mouth is and do something tangible for those you claim to champion.
You say that you have rededicated yourself to advancing immigration that honors families and strengthens communities, yet your form of advancement is a big mouth and a microphone to advance a social agenda that you don’t have to tangibly or personally get your hands dirty doing.
Read Nancy’s hypocritical rhetoric on the next page, as she bullies the public to feel guilty about immigration, but certainly does nothing to personally help any individual family on Thanksgiving.
Miss Pelosi you should feel guilty for being so stupid.
I feel so guilty I think we’ll roast a pig and kill a few muzzy girlfriends (goats). AND thank JESUS for it all too!!!!
Nancy Pelosi the buffon, should go to Nigeria and hand her self off to Boko Haram. She can then tell them the errors of their ways.
There is a surge of illegals crossing with 5,000 kids in Sept, 5,000 in Oct & on target for the same in Nov. In 7 weeks since the new fiscal year there have been 25,000 illegals caught from El Salvador, Guatemala & Honduras, a 58% increase from last year. When caught there are all saying, they believe that under Mr. Obama’s policies, they will earn a “permiso,” or free pass, if they can reach the U.S. border. ” Stick it Polosi!
We can get over feeling guilty! We WILL NOT get over betrayal & treason ! You A$$ wipes in dc are to blame when your refugees take just one American life on American soil ! And when it does happen & it will ,JUSTICE will be coming for all of you !
I feel sad the cruel way democrats have destroyed our country.
I should think our Government would be “Guilty” of our Vets who are homeless and starving, no jobs to earn a living for a live and or their famile!!!! They are the ones to feel sorry for you heartless cow!!!
She is one idiot woman, she has completely lost her mind!!!
She should invite ISIS to her home for a nice meal and conversation