Oh, Nancy, your comments are ‘just stunning”, as you tell the American people to think about how cruel our broken immigration system is as they prepare for Thanksgiving. Here is a challenge to you Ms. Pelosi, if you are so concerned about immigrants, will you host a few illegals at you Thanksgiving table?
For all your bravado, your psuedo-compassion laced talk, I highly doubt you will break from your tradition around your sumptuous, turkey laden fair, to put your money where your mouth is and do something tangible for those you claim to champion.
You say that you have rededicated yourself to advancing immigration that honors families and strengthens communities, yet your form of advancement is a big mouth and a microphone to advance a social agenda that you don’t have to tangibly or personally get your hands dirty doing.
Read Nancy’s hypocritical rhetoric on the next page, as she bullies the public to feel guilty about immigration, but certainly does nothing to personally help any individual family on Thanksgiving.
Yeah,,, that ain’t gonna happen!
Maybe I should give an invite to my,,,,,No!!!,,,Pelosi’s home for dinner !
Her face lift was pulled too tight, her brain was squashed.
F*ck the illegals!!
Pelosi KMA !!!
Pelorus. Sick.
No no no
I’ll be thankful that I haven’t had to shoot any of them – – – yet.
Smart as a box of rocks she is
She does not understand she represents AMERICANS, or else she simply does not care. Either way, these are violations of her oath of office and an act of treason!